Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What I Like

I'm very drawn to the bright colors, diagonal lines, curving, neutral colors, and delicate lines in art work and pictures because, the brightness just shows off the work and makes things pop out. Also bright colors make me happy. Bright colors usually stand for happiness, bright colors and on those days I was happy. The reason why I picked diagonal lines in most of my art blogs was because it just shows movement and it relates to me because I am a person who can't stay still most the time. Movement. Diagonal lines show movement most the time. That's why I'm so drawn to diagonal lines. The reason why I'm drawn to curving lines is because they show so much movement and they make the art work fun to look at and see what is going on and where the lines lead to. The reason why I'm so drawn to neutral colors in artwork is because it makes other colors pop out because neutral colors are kind of dull-ish so it makes other colors pop out but then again, neutral colors can have beautiful shades of blue, and grey. Thats's my favorite part about using neutral colors. The reason why I am so drawn to delicate lines is because they seem very soft at some point but then they can be brighter than usual...like fog; delicate lines in art have the delicateness of fog, it's a very soft way for using delicate lines. What I noticed about myself was that I am drawn to all the things shown above (*Bright colors, *Diagonal lines, *Curving lines, *Neutral colors, and *Delicate lines) and probably a lot more than just that. I also noticed that I am really into pictures that give movement, well other then the still lives. I'm not really a big fan of using pastel but yes, I do like the way it makes artwork look. I also like radial balances because in a lot of my artwork I see swirls and never ending shapes (circles).

Friday, November 15, 2013

Still Life

The reason why I picked this composition is, it looks very cool in my opinion, and has a very cool set up. It is very unusual in its own way because it has a skull in it and usually in compositions, there aren't any skulls. I think the artist put the composition the way it is because it shows the dead, and detatched fruits and veggies. showing their dead but are still there.

Friday, November 1, 2013


A blizzard is like a snow storm but with more winds.
The reason I picked this was because its very pretty and its what a place looks like after a natural blizzard.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Radial Balance

Radial Balance; Radial balance surrounds itself in the middle of something and goes out but doesnt cover all of what its in or on.

Asymmetrical Balance

Asymmetrical;  Asymmetricl means the opposite of symetrical, it's not very balanced and has a lot of differnt movements through out the pictures.

Symmetrical Balance

Symmetrical; This picture is symmetrical because symmetrical means you can take a picture and flip it up and down, and side to side on a mirror and both sides will be exactly the same.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Masking Of Music

One of the reasons I picked this mask, was becuase I'm in love with music and majority of melodies.
The second reason I picked this is because It reminds me of the Venice masks and it has a lot of detail and swirls within it.
The third reason why I picked this was because it keeps me focussed on it and I don't want to take my eyes off of it. I'm just inlove with the way it's put and how it stands out to me. The patterns just draw my attention so easily. The gold all around the eyes is a pattern and the music notes are too. The color has a pattern of curves and lines going around the head. Also the way the lines and swirls go all around the eyes, down to the forehead  to the cheek bones. It just captured all of my attention.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Nature Is Beauty

The reason I chose this picture for this blog report is because I like the photography, especially when it has high quality.
Another reason why I chose this was because I think the ocean is a beautiful thing so I chose out of the ocean photography category.
The last reason I chose this was because I've always wanted to try and surf and it was in the photo so I chose it.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Butterlies On A Wall

The reason I picked this picture for my blog is, I think butterflies are pretty and it was a good idea to use butterlies in artwork. Also, the story that goes with why he uses butterflies in his artwork is amusing to me. I picked this picture because it looks unique and a lot of artists don't use the same art skills as Carlos. Another reason I picked this picture was because I think it's incredible that someone would take all this time to make all the butterflies, put all the butterflies on the wall and having them to move is amazing and amused me and had me saying wow.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Lined Art

The lines in this drawing are very curved and sharp.
The drawing makes me look all around the photo and not just at one spot.
This drawing has cross-hatching and lots of other designs in it.

I like this drawing because it has a lot of designs in it and not just one.
Another reason why I like this drawing is, I'm interested in swirls and circular kinds of designs.