Friday, September 20, 2013

Nature Is Beauty

The reason I chose this picture for this blog report is because I like the photography, especially when it has high quality.
Another reason why I chose this was because I think the ocean is a beautiful thing so I chose out of the ocean photography category.
The last reason I chose this was because I've always wanted to try and surf and it was in the photo so I chose it.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Butterlies On A Wall

The reason I picked this picture for my blog is, I think butterflies are pretty and it was a good idea to use butterlies in artwork. Also, the story that goes with why he uses butterflies in his artwork is amusing to me. I picked this picture because it looks unique and a lot of artists don't use the same art skills as Carlos. Another reason I picked this picture was because I think it's incredible that someone would take all this time to make all the butterflies, put all the butterflies on the wall and having them to move is amazing and amused me and had me saying wow.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Lined Art

The lines in this drawing are very curved and sharp.
The drawing makes me look all around the photo and not just at one spot.
This drawing has cross-hatching and lots of other designs in it.

I like this drawing because it has a lot of designs in it and not just one.
Another reason why I like this drawing is, I'm interested in swirls and circular kinds of designs.